Apr 25, 2023

Can you imagine a world without art? No driving down the highway with the windows down and the music blaring. No staying up all hours of the night binge-watching your favorite television series. No visits to the Art Gallery to take in your favorite artists. No one to create movies, music, or paint. This doesn't sound like a very stimulating environment, does it?

Some educational philosophies only emphasize the importance of academic studies and that Art is simply a hobby or something we do during our free time. Yes, the academic side of education is vital in the development of our youth, but so are the arts. A report by Americans for the Arts states that students who frequently partake in the arts are four times more likely to be admired for their academic accomplishments than those students who do not.

Apr 14, 2023

The WISS Education rests on four unyielding pillars of learning: Academics, Sports, Arts, and Community Service. At the Western International School of Shanghai (WISS), Arts are essential to our curriculum across our Early Years, Primary and Secondary School. 

The Visual Arts Programme offered at WISS skillfully aligns with the IB curriculum. It focuses on teaching students to critique and reflect on their work and develop analytical and problem-solving skills, which are critical for success in the 21st Century Workplace.

Apr 14, 2023

If you have applied for a scholarship, you may be invited to an interview as part of the application process. Being selected for an interview proves that the scholarship committee was impressed with your application, it piqued their curiosity, and they want to know more about your interests, ideas, and aspirations. This final, crucial step is the opportunity to demonstrate you are an eligible candidate.

Apr 14, 2023

At the Western International School of Shanghai, we integrate the Approaches to Learning (ATLs) within the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and focus on the transdisciplinary development of Thinking, Social, Self-Management, Research, and Communication skills. 

Our pedagogical approaches allow teaching teams to plan naturally to develop all aspects of these, both within daily routines and structured learning engagements. Developing communication skills requires focusing on listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and presenting as children grow and develop.

Apr 3, 2023

Lights, Camera, Action: Celebrating the Best of the Best at the Shanghai Students Film Festival.

The Shanghai Students Film Festival is one of the year's most anticipated events for student filmmakers in China. The festival, organized by Mr. Simon Jackson, WISS’s talented Head of Visual and Creative Arts, celebrates the best student films produced by the most talented young filmmakers nationwide, providing a platform for up-and-coming artists to showcase their talents work and network with industry professionals.

Now in its 16th year, the Shanghai Student Film Festival (S2F2) symbolizes creativity, innovation, and hope for the future. Every year the students’ work becomes more professional and groundbreaking, often going on to win awards in far larger international festivals. The festival brings together talents from international schools across China who compete through various film challenges.

Apr 3, 2023

As a learning community, the Western International School of Shanghai shares the responsibility to help students achieve their academic goals, such as gaining their high school diploma or receiving those anticipated offer letters from top universities. 

Ultimately, we aim to prepare students for life after WISS—for life outside of the classroom and experiences in the real world. The approaches to learning cultivated at WISS include social skills, critical thinking skills, communication skills, research skills, and self-management skills.These skills are relevant far beyond the confines of the IB Diploma or Career-Related Programmes and WISS itself. The time spent at school on these activities is just as crucial as the knowledge of mathematical equations and chemical reactions.

Mar 24, 2023

We have recently celebrated Book Week at WISS. As every year, our students have been able to see and acquire new books to read at home. But, what if my son doesn't like to read… what can I do?

Getting a child to read on their own initiative is one of the most difficult challenges that adult readers have. Electronic devices (mobile phones, tablets, computers) are currently helping to make reading an increasingly difficult activity.

Reading, and especially reading comprehension, is a basic tool for the acquisition of increasingly complex learning. Reading comprehensively facilitates the organization of thought, favors a better understanding of reality and contributes to the management of emotions and behavior.

Mar 23, 2023

The Western International School of Shanghai (WISS) has a unique responsibility to prepare our students for success in a globalized world. One of the ways that we do this is by hosting university fairs, which provide an opportunity for students to learn about different higher education institutions and further explore potential academic and career paths.

The benefits of hosting university fairs are vast and varied. These fairs allow students to gain exposure to various universities worldwide. This is particularly important for our internationally diverse student community, as many of our students are interested in pursuing higher education opportunities outside their home country. Through hosting university fairs, students can connect with representatives from institutions and learn about programs and offerings tailored to their interests and aspirations.

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