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Jun 11, 2024

The Western International School of Shanghai recently hosted a collaborative exhibition featuring students' impressive work in the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Personal and Professional Skills (PPS) courses. These courses are integral components of the IB Diploma and IB Career-Related Programmes offered as part of the WISS Education.



The Western International School of Shanghai recently hosted a collaborative exhibition featuring students' impressive work in the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Personal and Professional Skills (PPS) courses. These courses are integral components of the IB Diploma and IB Career-Related Programmes offered as part of the WISS Education.  

Personal and Professional Skills (PPS) is a comprehensive two-year course encompassing five core themes: applied ethics, intercultural understanding, personal development, effective communication, and thinking processes.

Applied Ethics challenges students to grapple with real-world ethical dilemmas, progressing from general life situations to those specifically relevant to the workplace and their chosen career paths.

In the Intercultural Understanding unit, students explore the diverse influences that shape and define culture, delving into both their own backgrounds and those of others. The highlight of this section is an in-depth study of Erin Meyer's "The Culture Map," culminating in a reflective book report.

The Personal Development theme guides students through self-reflection, efficiency and motivation, emotional and intellectual intelligence, financial literacy, and change management. Students create personalized development plans that include self-assessment, goal setting, action planning, and evaluation methods.

The Effective Communication unit equips students with the skills to effectively engage in various types of communication, culminating in a mock interview where they demonstrate their understanding of successful communication strategies.

Throughout the PPS course, students hone their critical and creative thinking skills, applying them to diverse personal and professional scenarios. They learn to analyze and evaluate information, making connections between their learning and its practical application in their career-related studies.

Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is a unique course offered as part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. TOK is designed to encourage students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, how we acquire it, and the extent of our understanding.

In TOK, students explore a wide range of knowledge that delves into various disciplines, such as the natural sciences, human sciences, mathematics, history, the arts, and ethics. They examine how knowledge is produced, shared, and evaluated within these disciplines.

One of the central focuses of TOK is on developing critical thinking skills. Students learn to question assumptions, evaluate arguments, consider multiple perspectives, and assess the validity and reliability of different sources of knowledge. Students are challenged to think critically about complex issues and develop their reasoning skills by engaging in discussions and debates.

TOK also encourages students to reflect on the role of language, perception, and emotion in shaping our understanding of the world. Students explore how language can enable and limit our ability to communicate ideas effectively, how our perceptions can influence how we interpret information, and how emotions can impact our decision-making processes.

Furthermore, TOK prompts students to consider the implications of knowledge within a global context. They investigate how cultural, historical, and ethical factors influence the production and dissemination of knowledge around the world. By examining different cultural perspectives and worldviews, students develop a deeper appreciation for the diversity of human knowledge and beliefs.

Overall, Theory of Knowledge challenges students to think critically, appreciate the complexities of knowledge, and recognize the interconnectedness of different areas of study. It fosters an open-minded and reflective approach to learning, preparing students to become knowledgeable, empathetic, and informed global citizens.

The collaborative TOK and PPS exhibitions provided students a platform to showcase their knowledge and skills, highlighting their hard work, dedication, and achievements. It was a testament to their growth and success in applying theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios.


TOK Career-Related Programme IB Diploma Programme Secondary Personal and Professional Skills Academics  

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