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Mar 25, 2024

The Early Years Math Curriculum at Western International School of Shanghai emphasizes helping children learn various math concepts through hands-on activities. The program aims to build a strong foundation in math concepts through interactive activities, games, and exploration, preparing children for future math learning.



Home-school partnerships are essential for children's education, creating a supportive learning environment through the collaboration between parents and teachers. This collaboration ensures consistent educational messages are conveyed, laying the foundation for lifelong learning. Active parental involvement enhances students' academic outcomes and provides valuable insights to teachers about each child's individual needs.

At Western International School of Shanghai, the "Come Learn with Us" sessions in the Early Years program exemplify the importance of engaging families in learning together. These sessions are designed to develop specific skills in young learners and guide parents on how to support skill development at home further. Through hands-on activities and play, children have the opportunity to explore and deepen their knowledge, transitioning from concrete experiences to conceptual understanding.

The school values its partnership with families and looks forward to more interactive learning opportunities in the Early Years, focusing on holistic development and skill enhancement in outdoor and physical education settings. The latest "Come Learn With Us" session is dedicated to sharing with parents what Mathematical Development in the Early Years entails.

The Early Years Math Curriculum at Western International School of Shanghai emphasizes helping children learn various math concepts through hands-on activities. The program aims to build a strong foundation in math concepts through interactive activities, games, and exploration, preparing children for future math learning.

In the Pre-Nursery and Nursery Grade levels, young students embark on exciting outdoor map adventures designed to immerse them in hands-on learning experiences that bring math concepts to life. Through these engaging activities, children develop their understanding of essential mathematical concepts, expand their vocabulary with place words, enhance their spatial reasoning skills, and practice comparing and ordering objects in their environment. By blending exploration and discovery with structured learning opportunities, students can cultivate a strong foundation in mathematics while fostering a sense of curiosity and creativity in their educational journey.

In Pre-Kindergarten grades, the curriculum is designed to cultivate and enhance children's mathematical skills through diverse interactive activities. From creating intricate patterns to mastering foundational number concepts, engaging in hands-on measuring exercises, and exploring the fascinating world of shapes, students are immersed in a dynamic math learning environment that promotes exploration and discovery. Recognizing the vital role of parental involvement in supporting academic growth, families are encouraged to actively participate in their child's math education by integrating stimulating math games into daily routines, weaving mathematical concepts into story time, setting up challenging math puzzles, utilizing math manipulatives for tactile learning experiences, leveraging online resources for interactive practice, and identifying real-world math applications in nature. By fostering a collaborative approach to math education both in and out of the classroom, these activities aim to provide young learners with a robust mathematical foundation, honing their problem-solving abilities, nurturing critical thinking skills, and laying the groundwork for future success in the realm of mathematics and beyond.

In the Kindergarten curriculum, a key emphasis is placed on fostering the development of problem-solving abilities among young learners. Through the strategy of visual representations, interactive teaching aids, and verbal articulation of mathematical reasoning, students are encouraged to approach challenges with creativity and logic. In parallel, parents play a vital role in nurturing their child's mathematical growth by actively engaging in math-related communication, offering hands-on math tools for experiential learning, and sharing the joy of exploring math concepts through collaborative reading of math-themed literature. By creating a supportive environment that values mathematical dialogue, hands-on exploration, and shared learning experiences, families can empower their children to build a strong foundation in problem-solving, critical thinking, and effective communication skills, setting the stage for continued academic success and lifelong mathematical proficiency.

Parents can significantly bolster their child's educational journey at home by infusing fun and interactive learning experiences that promote mathematical skills development. By integrating counting into playful activities, orchestrating exciting shape scavenger hunts, partaking in engaging measuring games, immersing in pattern explorations, and discovering the wonders of math in nature, parents can create a rich learning environment that nurtures their child's mathematical prowess. Early childhood education places great importance on the foundational role of mathematics in shaping future academic achievements, instilling in young learners a profound understanding of numbers, patterns, shapes, and sequences within the context of everyday life. 

Through these experiences, children hone their problem-solving abilities, spatial awareness, and critical thinking skills and cultivate a deep appreciation for the beauty and utility of mathematics, laying a solid groundwork for lifelong learning and success.

Learn more about the Early Years Programme at the Western International School of Shanghai 


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